JavaScript Tutorial

JavaScript Tutorial HTML,JavaScript is integrated with browser & this integration enables the programmer to add dynamic interaction to the text, picture, information on the web page. JavaScript is case sensitive language i.e.; state is different from State or STATE (these are three different words for JavaScript). JavaScript is capable of sensing the events like mousing clicking, mousing moving etc. JavaScript files are directly executed when user double clicks on them or opens them in Browser.

For Looping In Java Script

This loop contains the initial value, termination value , increment/decrement value in a single line, which in on other looping are used in separate line, the scope of a for loop is inside the curly bracketsused with it. The initialization segment is executed only once at the start of the loop and terminationand increment/decrement segments …

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OnBlur events In Java Script

This event occurs when objects loses the focus. When we move to other object and looses one object the first object is called blurred or lost focus. In javascript we can program this loosing focus using the onblur event.   Example:   <html> <head> <title>events </title> </head> <body bgcolor=green text=”white”> <h3 align=center> <u>In this example …

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