What is Binary Subtraction?

Binary Subtraction
Just as with addition, we’re going to use the decimal numbering system to illustrate the process used in the binary numbering system for subtraction.
There are four possible cases of single-bit binary subtraction: 0 – 0, 0 – 1, 1 – 0, and 1 – 1. As long as the value being subtracted from (the minuend) is greater than or equal to the value subtracted from it (the subtrahend), the process is contained in a single column.
Minuend – 0 1 1
Subtrahend -0 -0 -1
0 1 0
But what happens in the one case when the minuend is less than the subtrahend? As in decimal, a borrow must be taken from the next most significant digit. The same is true for binary.
Pulling 1 from the next highest column in binary allows us to add 102 or a decimal 2 to the current column. For the previous example, 102 added to 0 gives us 102 or a decimal 2. When we subtract 1 from 2, the result is 1.