New & Delete Operators In C++ Programming Language.

To demand dynamic memory there is use the operators new. new is followed by a data type specifies and if a series of extra than a single element is mandatory- then there is use of brackets []. It returns a pointer to the beginning of the new block of memory allocated.
Its syntax is:
pointer = new type
pointer = new type [elements]
The initial expression is used to allow memory to hold a single element of type type.
. The next one is used to allot a block (an array) of elements of type type, where elements are an integer value representing the number of these.
For Example :
int * john
john = new int [ 5 ]
The initial element pointed by john can be accessed either with the look john[0] or the expression*john. Both are alike as has been explained in the section about pointers.
The second element can be accessed either with john[1] or *(john+1) and so on…
C++ provides two normal methods to make sure if the allotment was unbeaten:
One is by management exceptions. By means of this technique an exception of type bad_alloc is thrown when the allotment fails.
This exception method is the default method used by new, and is the one used in a pronouncement like:
john =new int [15];
Another technique is recognized as nothrow, and what happens when it is used is that when a memory allotment fails, instead of throwing a bad_alloc exception or terminating the program, the pointer returned by new is a null pointer, and the program continues its execution.
This technique can be particular by using a unique object called nothrow as a parameter for new:
john =new (nothrow)int [15];
Thus, if the allocation of this block of memory failed, the failure could be detected by checking if john took a null pointer value:
int  * john;
john =new (nothrow)int [5 ]
if (john == 0) {
This nothrow method requires added work than the exception method.
Operator Delete & delete [ ]
In dynamic memory allocation there is allocation of memory at runtime.
What happens if there is no need of object, then we can easily reallocate memory at run time with the help of delete and delete[] operator.
As the requirement of dynamic memory is naturally limited to exact moments inside a program, once it is no longer wanted it should be untied so that the memory becomes accessible again for other needs of dynamic memory.
Syntax of delete and delete[] operator is
delete pointer;
delete [] pointer;