What is statement function ?

Statement Function is defined in a program or a subprogram and Statement Function is used internally where it defined. It has a single statement and similar in form to an arithmetic, logical or character assignment statement. In a statement function statement must appear only after the specification statements and before the first executable statement of the program unit in which it is referenced.
The general form of statement function is:
fun (list) = e
where fun is user defined name of the function;
List is the variable names which are the arguments of the function
and must be separated by comma; Arguments of the function may
be dummy or actual.
e is an expression which must be one of the given below:
· A constant
· A variable
· An array element reference
· An intrinsic function reference
· A reference to a statement function for which the statement function statement appears in   preceding
· lines of the program unit
· An external function reference
· A dummy procedure reference
· An expression enclosed in parentheses that meets all of the requirements specified for the   expression e
· Arguments of the function may be dummy or actual.
FUND (Y) = Y * Y + 2.2
Here FUND is user defined name of the function ie. statement function name. Y is the variable names which are the arguments of the function which is enclosed in between (). This statement function is of real type. Its expression can be written as Y *Y + 2.2
A statement function must appear after the specification statements and before the first executable statement of the program unit in which it is referenced.
A statement function is not executed at the point where it is specified.
The actual argument must agree in order, number and type with corresponding dummy arguments.
A dummy argument cannot be an array or function name. The same argument cannot be specified more than once in the argument list. A statement function cannot be invoked recursively.
Example of arithmetic statement function:
PARAMETER ( PI=3.14159)
SPHERE (R) = 4.0 * (R**3)/ 3.0