The use of <iframe> is to insert outside webpages within a frame in current webpage. The <iframe> element allows the user to open a window within a window, or a browser within a browser.

The iframe Url address must be enclosed within the <iframe> element.

Syntax of an iframe

<iframe src =”Destination/iframe URL”> </iframe>

iFrame Attribute

There are two types of Attributes of <iframe> element
height: This attribute controls the height of the iframe and value can be expressed in “px” or “%”.

width: This attribute controls the width of the iframe and values can be expressed in “px” or “%”.
Some more advanced iFrame attribute

Scrolling: This attribute allows users to enable or disable scrolling option on web pages.There are three options values are available.

a) “no” indicates no scrollbars.
b) “yes” indicates active scrollbars.
c) “auto” indicates scrollbars if required.

Frame border: This attribute allows users to specify the border. Their Values are boolean in nature.