The purposes of List are to group related contents together in a structured manner and make the content easy to read and understand.

There are different types of list defined in HTML5 named as:
Ordered List
Unordered List
Definition List
Ordered List

An Ordered list has each item numbered so it provides sequential instructions. Ordered list is used mainly in formal documents.

The Ordered element <ol> contains the complete list, and list element <li> contains each of list items.



Unordered List

Unordered list means to list each item with bullet points.

Unordered list is created within unordered tag <ul> and list items are placed within list tag <li>.Unordered list attribute ” list-style-type” property can be used to replace bullet points with disc, circular and square bullets.


Definition List

Definition list means the Structure of definition list followed by its description or definition. Its created with a Definition list tag <dl> contains the complete list .Within each < dl > tag there is <dt> element that contain pair of definition term and <dd> element contains the definition description.