Loading a Driver

Loading a Driver

The first step to develop a JDBC application is to load and register the required driver using the driver manager.
We can load and register a driver:
1. Using the forName() method
2. Using the registerDriver() method
3. By setting system property
Using the forName ( ) Method
The forName ( ) method is available in the java.lang.Class class. The forName ( ) method loads the JDBC driver and registers the driver with the driver manager.
The syntax to load a JDBC driver to ACCESS a database is:
Ex: Class.forName(“sun.jdbc.odbc.JdbcOdbcDriver”);
Using the registerDriver ( ) Method
Here we can create an instance of the Driver class to load a JDBC driver.
The syntax to declare an instance of the Driver class is:
Driver d =new ;
Ex: Driver d = new sun.jdbc.odbc.JdbcOdbcDriver ( );
Once we have created the Driver object, call the registerDriver ( ) method to register it with the DriverManager. We can register the JDBC-ODBC Bridge driver using the following method call to registerDriver ( ) method:
Setting System Property
Driver can also be loaded by setting System property for JDBC drivers. We add the driver name to the jdbc.driver System property to load a JDBC driver. We use the –D command line option to set the system property on the command line. The command to set the system property is:
Java -Djdbc.drivers=sun.jdbc.odbc.JdbcOdbcDriver SampleApplication
In the preceding command, jdbc.driver is the property name and sun.jdbc.odbc.JdbcOdbcDriver is the value that we need to set for the property.
After we load the driver, we need to establish the connection with the database